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Military Families: Planning your Arrival


Saint Mary Star of the Sea School is a regional Catholic elementary school in the heart of Hampton roads. 

Age requirements for Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten and 1st Grade:

A pre-kindergarten student must be 3 or 4 years old by July 31 of the school year.

A kindergarten student must be 5 years old by September 30 of the school year.

A first grade student must be 6 years old by September 30 and have successfully completed his/her kindergarten year with given documentation from a recognized school.

Parent Responsibilities Before Acceptance:

Parents must complete a registration form and return it with a $50 application fee.  

  • Registration documents may be submitted via e-mail or faxed to 757-723-6544. 
  • Unofficial student records will be accepted and kept until the school requests the official records. 
  • An application fee of $50 is accepted with credit card by calling our office at 757-723-6358. 
  • Review of documentation and approval for enrollment will be completed in an expedited manner. 
  • Students will be invited to shadow for a day upon their arrival to the new area. At the time, students will also complete an assessment.  

Documents Required Prior to Acceptance:

  • Birth certificate
  • Catholic parents must present a baptismal certificate for their child.
  • A physical examination is required when a student enters school for the first time. Virginia Health Forms are available online or at our office. A student cannot be admitted to class without a completed Virginia Health Form.
  • All students must have completed the series of Hepatitis B vaccinations, and all 6th grade students must have a Tdap booster before school begins, in accordance with state law. [The school is required by law to report any HPV vaccinations of 6th grade girls in our annual reporting. Such vaccinations are not mandatory and are left up to the discretion of the parents.]

Parent Responsibilities After Acceptance:

Congratulations! Your child has been accepted!

After parents receive an acceptance letter or phone call, a registration fee is to be paid to hold your child's placement. This can be done with a credit card by calling our office at 757-723-6358.

Enrolling Now!