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Curriculum Highlights

Second Grade Curriculum

The core subjects of second grade are Religion, Language Arts, Math, Science including Marine Science, Social Studies, and Handwriting.  Music, Physical Education, Spanish, Fine Arts, and Library/Technology are also part of the second grade curriculum.

The following sections describe the textbooks used and some general objectives for Religion, Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Studies.

Religion: Be My Disciples. RCL Benziger

  • The Sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Communion
  • Preparation for the reception of these sacraments for the first time
  • Using Scripture to reinforce the importance and role of these Sacraments
  • The importance of making the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass a part of our life
  • Recognize the importance of the Church and how it is the gathering of God’s people
  • Introduction to concepts of sin, free will, conscience and intellect 

Reading/Grammar: Superkids, Pleasant Rowland Foundation

  • Grammar-nouns, verbs, pronouns, adjectives
  • Comprehend and analyze short stories 
  • Accelerated book tests once a week
  • Super Magazine for introducing non-fiction text and Book Club books of authentic literature 
  • Word study-homophones, antonyms, synonyms, Latin roots, suffixes, prefixes, multiple-meaning words
  • Writing of stories, paragraphs, friendly letters, identification of different types of sentences

Math: Guided Math - Hand 2 Mind

  • Guided math is a combination of conceptual math and procedural math. There is a balance of teacher directed learning, and student centered activities. We share our time between whole group instruction and small group differentiated instruction. The components of our math block math warm-up we begin our math instruction with a standards-based activity to engage our brains in either our current concept of study or a review of a previously learned skill in order to build accuracy and fluency.
  • Math mini-lesson is a power-packed whole group lesson where the entire class engages in an introduction to the new learning objective consisting of math talk, public participation, and shared mathematical thinking.
  • Small group instruction/workstations dynamic instruction differentiated to optimize student learning through meaningful instruction and independent workstation activities.
  • Reflection component fosters lifelong learners and practice reflecting in order to grow for the better! 
  • We will wrap up our learning by sharing connections we made, struggles we overcame, and by helping classmates with areas that need clarification.

Science:Nancy Larson Science 2, Nancy Larson Publishers 

  • Physical Science (matter, sound, simple machines, light)
  • Life Science (life cycles)

Social Studies: Diocese of Richmond Curriculum

  • Communities
  • Ancient Civilizations (Egypt and China)
  • Economics
  • Citizenship
  • Great Americans

Third Grade Curriculum

The core subjects of third grade are Religion, Language Arts, and Math, Science, Social Studies and Handwriting. Spanish, Technology, Fine Arts, Music, and Physical Education are also part of the third grade curriculum.

The following sections describe the textbooks used and some general objectives for Religion, Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Studies.

Religion: Be My Disciples, RCL Benziger

  • Understand God as Creator of all things
  • Identify and explain the seven sacraments, focusing on Sacraments of Christian Initiation in depth
  • Demonstrate the loving grace of God in daily living
  • Understand and describe the seasons of the liturgical year
  • Identify various prayers of the Catholic faith (prayers of petition, prayers of blessing, prayers of intercession, etc.)
  • Explain that God sent the Holy Spirit to be with the Holy Church
  • Understand that Jesus is risen and died for our sins

Language Arts

Reading: Storyworks Jr. - Scholastic 

  • Demonstrate the ability to locate and examine text features in a text
  • Draw conclusions and find the main idea and key details of a given text
  • Make inferences while reading based on building connections and using context clues
  • Describe the setting and locate and explain figurative language in a text 
  • Identify events and label them as cause and effect
  • Summarize grade-level content to include the main idea and key details in the passage
  • Sequence events in a story in chronological order
  • Identify the author's purpose 
  • Compare and contrast two pieces of text
  • Expand vocabulary through the study of unknown words for each story

Grammar: Treasures, Macmillan/McGraw-Hill

  • Uses correct grammar and sentence structure in writing and speaking
  • Utilizes the five-step writing process
  • Practices proper cursive writing skills
  • Recalls plot, main idea, setting, characters, and sequence in a story
  • Demonstrates the ability to compare and contrast
  • Recognizes and uses nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs
  • Reads classic and current literature in groups and independently
  • Recognizes a variety of literary forms
  • Demonstrates the ability to present information through plays, role-playing, and reports
  • Predict outcomes, retell stories, and draw conclusions

Spelling: Words Their Way - Differentiated Instruction through Word Study practices and sorts

MathMy Math -McGraw Hill

  • Represent and solve problems involving multiplication and division
  • Understand properties of multiplication and the relationship between multiplication and division
  • Multiply and divide within 100
  • Solve problems involving the four operations, and identify and explain patterns in arithmetic 
  • Use place value understanding and properties of operations to perform multi-digit arithmetic
  • Develop understanding of fractions as numbers
  • Solve problems involving measurement and estimation of intervals of time, liquid volume, and masses of objects
  • Represent and interpret data
  • Understand concepts of area and relate area to multiplication and addition
  • Recognize perimeter as an attribute of plane figures and distinguish between linear and area measures
  • Reason with shapes and their attributes

Science: Nancy Larson Science 3, Nancy Larson Publishers

  • Exploring Our Solar System (Astronomy)
  • Investigating Elements and Compounds (Chemistry)
  • Observing Chemical Changes (Physics)
  • Investigating Changes in Our Atmosphere (Meteorology)
  • Exploring the Earth's Structure (Geology)
  • Examining the Structure and Function of Parts of Seed Plants (Botany)
  • Investigating Amphibians and Reptiles (Zoology).

Social Studies: Harcourt Social Studies, Harcourt

  • Explain the modern-day influence of Ancient Greece, Rome, and Mali
  • Investigate some contributions and successes of European explorers
  • Recognize the dignity and worth of other races and places
  • Define culture and the value systems, traditions, and celebrations of different cultures
  • Develop map skills by locating and labeling the seven continents, five oceans, and four hemispheres
  • Draw a simple map with a legend, cardinal and intermediate directions
  • Examine and create timelines to represent chronological events
  • Define and explain a democracy, good citizen skills, and the three branches of government
  • Articulate how industry, services, and goods impact the economy of a community
  • Interpret timelines, flow charts, photographs, graphs, and tables

Fourth Grade Curriculum

The core subjects of fourth grade are Religion, Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Studies. Art, Physical Education, Music, Library, Spanish and Technology are also a part of the curriculum.

The following describes the textbooks used and the concepts taught in the core subjects.

Religion: Be My Disciples – RCL Benzinger

  • Pray formally and spontaneously as an integral part of the day
  • We Come to Know God
  • God Strengthens Us to Be Holy
  • We Love God and His People
  • Jesus Leads Us to Happiness
  • Emphasis is placed on learning about The Old Testament, The New Testament, and the Life of Christ

Language Arts

ReadingStoryworks by Scholastic

  • Vocabulary
  • Main idea
  • Summary Writing
  • Cause and Effect
  • Making Inferences
  • Comprehension
  • Fluency
  • Leveled Readers

Spelling: Words Their Way - Differentiated Instruction through Word Study practices and sorts

Grammar: Treasures - MacMillan/McGraw-Hill

  • Sentence Structure
  • Nouns
  • Pronouns
  • Adjectives
  • Verbs
  • Adverbs and Conjunctions
  • Punctuation and Capitals

Writing: Zaner Bloser Handwriting

MathMy Math - McGraw-Hill

  • Place Value
  • Add and subtract whole numbers
  • Understanding Multiplication and Division
  • Multiply with one-digit numbers
  • Multiply with two-digit numbers
  • Divide by a one-digit number
  • Patterns and sequences
  • Fractions
  • Operations with fractions
  • Fractions and decimals
  • Customary Measurement
  • Perimeter and Area
  • Geometry

Science: Nancy Larson Science 4, Nancy Larson Publishers

  • Exploring the Characteristics of Cells
  • Examining and Classifying Plants
  • Investigating Characteristics of Animals
  • Examining Ecosystems
  • Exploring Energy
  • Investigating Electricity

Social StudiesDiocese of Richmond Curriculum

  • Past and present physical geography of North America
  • Map skills
  • Early cultures developed in North America
  • Native American tribes to include Inuit, Kwakiutl, Lakota, Pueblo, and Iroquois
  • Physical geography of Virginia
  • European explorers to include Spanish, French, and English
  • Jamestown development
  • Life in Colonial America

Fifth Grade Curriculum


The core subjects of fifth grade are Religion, Language Arts, Math, Science and Social Studies. Spanish, Music, Technology, Physical Education, and Fine Arts are also part of the fifth grade curriculum.

The following sections describe the textbooks used and some general objectives for the core subjects.

Religion: Christ Our Life, Loyola Press

  • The Sacraments
  • The role of prayer and the Liturgy in Christian life
  • The role of vocation in Christian life
  • The universal call to worship God

Reading: Treasures, Macmillan/McGraw-Hill

  • Comprehend and analyze short stories
  • Poetry
  • Accelerated book tests twice a month
  • Class novel study with a play/skit

Language Arts: Voyages in English, Loyola Press and Treasures, Macmillan/McGraw-Hill (for Spelling)

  • Includes spelling, grammar, writing
  • Grammar with diagramming
  • Excellence in Writing Program
  • Word Study tests weekly (spelling-phonics program)
  • 5-paragraph research paper

Math: 5th grade level: Progress in Mathematics, Sadlier-Oxford

  • Advanced Math: HSP Math, Harcourt School Publishers
  • Operations with whole numbers
  • Fractions
  • Decimals
  • Word problems
  • Geometry
  • Algebra
  • Accelerated Math Program

Science: Nancy Larson Science 5, Nancy Larson Publishers

  • Life Science
  • Earth Science
  • Physical Science
  • Various labs and experiments
  • Incorporating marine science in all areas

Social Studies: Our Nation, Macmillan/McGraw-Hill

  • United States History from Colonial Times to Civil War
  • Factors that shaped Colonial America
  • Factors that led to the American Revolution
  • Understanding the American Revolution
  • A new American Nation and its Government
  • 50 States and Capitals
  • Westward Expansion
  • Issues that led to the Civil War
  • Social Studies Fair
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